I’m off like a herd of turtles…

  I am officially on my way. I sit here jerking back and forth as we fly through turbulence, and though my stomach would disagree, I am completely at peace. I know it is due to all of your prayers.

We left the house at 4:00 a.m. A neighbor offered to let the chickens out for us this morning. Two of our bigger girls, our Buff Orphingtons, have feet problems and I always help them off the roost each morning. Since I would not be there, I went out before we left,Bud holding the flashlight, and took them off early and put them on the floor in the brooder area so they wouldn’t have to jump down.

Finally, after I was dressed, and my buzz cut was sufficiently plastered down, we left in the darkness to make our three hour tour to the Little Rock airport.

About an hour into our trip, we made a stop for coffee and a biscuit and were soon back on our way.

Yesterday was somber. I was quite busy doing last minute things to get ready. Bud helped me a lot! I think the reality of the fact that I will not see Bud for five months was weighing heavily on me.

In case you are wondering, I was able to get together 150 breakfasts and suppers, and enough lunches for those mail drops that are known for not being a good resupply place. I will purchase supplies for lunch each time I go to town to pick up a mail drop box. I also got all of my boxes organized,loaded and packed!

My dear neighbor and friend gave me a duffle bag suitcase that fit my backpack perfectly! It made it through baggage check just fine!

She and two other dear friends came to visit and tell me goodbye. Several days prior, my plain person friend invited me over for one last visit. We have the best neighbors!

Already, so many prayers have been answered. I’m humbled, not only for this, but also the support, excitement for my hike, and well-wishes from neighbors, friends, family, and even the people at the post office. I’m also grateful for my friend, “Raid” (trail name) for offering my first ‘trail magic’ by picking me up from the airport, and letting me stay at her house. It has made the first leg of my journey a lot less scary, and it’s nice to know I will be hiking with a friend for the first section.

Bud and I didn’t talk much on the way to the airport. I was trying to come to terms with the fact that my hike is finally really happening, and also that I will not see Bud for 5 months. I sensed that Bud was sad, too. He offered some last minute advice and encouragement, and telling me how proud of me he is… and also Happy Birthday! I’m 51 years old today!

The airport was not crowded at all. A lady came to the car to carry my luggage. Bud and I said a quick goodbye and kissed several times,  I checked my baggage and Bud was still by the curb. We waved. He drove off slowly, and we waved several more times. I miss you already, Babe, and I love you so much! Thank you for encouraging me in this adventure. Your love and support means the world to me. I hope I can make you proud of me! 🙂

Security was not the nightmare I was expecting. I went through the naked scanner without complaining. The TSA lady said she was going to have to check my right leg. She actually asked me if I would react to being touched. I steeled myself, said a little prayer, and braced myself in case she was going for more than my leg, but thankfully, she just swiped the outside of my leg and that was it! Thanks to all of you who prayed me through security!

I made the plane change in Dallas with not a minute to spare. There has been quite a bit of turbulence, but other than that, it has been uneventful.

My blog posts most likely will be posted on a purposeful delay. You don’t really want to tell stalkers exactly where you are at in the middle of the woods (if you know what I mean.

Soon we will be landing! ..and I need to put my seat and tray in upright and locked position!

Stay tuned….

15 thoughts on “I’m off like a herd of turtles…

  1. Wow, this is exciting! I look forward to reading about your adventures. One question… why won’t Bud be flying to meet you at some point?


    1. Someone has to tend the animals, and that needs to happen several times a day. God made us stewards of them, and their lives are in our hands. We do not take the responsibility lightly, but we are not obsessed with it, either. We can ask a favor of our neighbors on occasion, but their kindness is something we respect and do not want to over use or abuse, ever.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much for holding down the fort while I am gone. You are an awesome ‘support person’ and an even better husband!


    2. Have a look at my article titled..Trail Magic on my website..www.larrykulchawik.com
      My son walked the Appellation Trail, met his now wife, and turned me on to “Trail Magic”.
      The article addresses..What Trail Magic are you doing to help those behind you on your industries trail?


    1. I so appreciate your prayers and friendship, Shanda! Miss reading about what is going on with you and the fam.


  2. This is really exciting! I will be keeping up with your blog (I’ve never followed one before!) And sending prayers that you are safe.


  3. Happy Birthday, Kara! … and wow, what an exciting start to this next year for you! So glad to hear all the details of your flight went well! Sounds like things are moving right along now. So looking forward to reading your ‘tales of the trail’! You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers! 🙂


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